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(c) 2007 by
Williams Parsons


Turning Stenotype Note Storage Boxes Into Filing Systems

There are two ways to turn ordinary stenotype note storage boxes into the Box Lid Diagramming Filing and Inventory Control System.

First way: You can pull back the side flaps on the storage box and draw two columns on the underside of each of the side flaps.

(The columns are drawn on the underside of the side box flaps where there is no printing.)

Second way: You can order 11" x 17" cardboard pads and use them to draw your box lid diagram.

The cardboard pad would then be placed on top of the notes filed in the storage box.)

The cardboard pads may be ordered from the following web site:

The cost of the cardboard pads is $29.00 per hundred which is 29 cents per cardboard pad.

There are discounts for larger quantity orders as follows:

28 cents per pad for an order of 300 pads

27 cents per pad for an order of 500 pads

26 cents per pad for an order of 1,000.

If you are interested in ordering the cardboard pads, I suggest you do an internet search for "cardboard pads" and get the best price for your area.

Your shipping charges might be cheaper when ordering from the closest cardboard pad manufacturer.

Bonus: No-cost cardboard sheets can be made by reporters.

Reporters can take a razor knife and cut up some cardboard boxes to make your own 11" x 17" cardboard pads. It would just take a several minutes to cut up several cardboard boxes into 10" x 12" pieces.


When filing things in any boxes, the contents are always written on the ends of the box.

You cannot write things on the ends of stenotype pad shipping boxes because the ends are printed with the names and advertisements of the stenotype pad manufacturers.

So there are three solutions to the problem of printed ends of stenotype pad shipping boxes.

1. Fold the top end flap over the outside of the shipping box and write your box contents info on that flap and tape the flap down to the outside of the box.

2. Order approximate size 10" x 12" cardboard pads and write your box contents info on the pad and tape the cardboard pad to the end of the box.

You can do a search on the internet to find a company selling 10" x 12" cardboard pads or as close to those dimensions as possible.

Note: It's always a good idea to order samples of pads from the company selling them. You want a cardboard pad that very thin and cheap. You don't want to pay extra for a real thick cardboard pad which you don't need.

3. Bonus: No-cost cardboard sheets.

Also, again reporters can take a razor knife and cut up some cardboard boxes to make your own 10" x 12" cardboard pads.

It would just take a several minutes to cut up several cardboard boxes into 10" x 12" pieces
